Comparison of early surgical outcomes following anoplasty and limited PSARP for perineal fistula


  • Bruno Martinez-Leo Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Vicente Herrera-Del Prado Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Victor Portugal-Moreno Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Arturo Godoy-Esquivel Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Adriana Castillo-Aguirre Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Luis Velasco-Soria Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Luis Garcia-Cabello Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat
  • Miguel Vargas-Gomez Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat



Imperforate anus, Anorectal malformation, Perineal fistula, Colostomy


Background: To present the early surgical outcomes of two different surgical methods for the treatment of perineal fistula in patients with anorectal malformation.

Material and Methods: Retrospective chart analysis of patients treated with any of the two surgical approaches for perineal fistula treatment during the newborn period, without a colostomy at Academic and Community Pediatric Surgery Reference Hospital during October 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2018.

Results: Twenty-six out of 57 patients of our database met inclusion criteria during the study period. 15 in the anoplasty group and 11 in the Minimal Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty (MPSARP); the anoplasty group had more rate of anoplasty dehiscence (4 partial, 6 total – requiring additional stitches, p = 0.027), versus zero in the MPSARP group, albeit there was 1 superficial perineal dehiscence. All surgeries were performed without a previous colostomy. There were no other surgical complications reported, and there was no difference in age, weight, sacral ratio, and associated malformations.

Conclusion: Minimal PSARP can be safely done in the newborn patient with a patent perineal fistula.


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Author Biography

Bruno Martinez-Leo, Pediatric Surgery Division, Moctezuma Children's Hospital, Mexico City Health Secretariat

Attending Colorectal Pediatric SurgeonProfessor of Pediatrics, UNAMAssociate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, UNAMAssociate Professor of Neonatal Surgery, UNAM


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2020-07-21 — Updated on 2020-07-27


How to Cite

Martinez-Leo B, Herrera-Del Prado V, Portugal-Moreno V, Godoy-Esquivel A, Castillo-Aguirre A, Velasco-Soria L, Garcia-Cabello L, Vargas-Gomez M. Comparison of early surgical outcomes following anoplasty and limited PSARP for perineal fistula. J Neonatal Surg [Internet]. 2020Jul.27 [cited 2025Jan.15];9:3. Available from:



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