Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications used in pregnant women: a systematic review


  • Deepak Kumar Sahu
  • Varri Srinivasa Rao


pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pregnancy


Most pregnant ladies will get treatment all through pregnancy with a medication other than a nutrient enhancement. As per the past US Food and Medication Organization grouping framework, almost 50% of these medications will fall into either classification C or D, which means an absence of human examination with creature review showing negative fetal impacts (class C) or verification of hazard in people (class D). Drug assimilation, circulation, freedom, and thusly the medication half-life is totally impacted in oftentimes unanticipated ways by changes in maternal physiology. Pregnancy-related pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic information are poor for some drugs. Ebb and flow dosing rules for different drugs don't consider new exploration that show huge pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic changes that call for portion changes during pregnancy. The standards basic the pharmacological and physiological changes that happen during pregnancy are examined in this outline, alongside subtleties on meds that are much of the time utilized while treating pregnant patients.


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How to Cite

Kumar Sahu D, Srinivasa Rao V. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications used in pregnant women: a systematic review. J Neonatal Surg [Internet]. 2025Feb.4 [cited 2025Feb.14];14(1S):276-83. Available from:

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