Optimizing pediatric medication therapy: evaluating the impact of clinical pharmacy services on health outcomes in children


  • Saurabh Sharma
  • Mahendra Kumar Sahu


Drug-related issues, pediatrics, and clinical pharmacy services


The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of children is the focus of child health. Even in traditional Indian society, child health has been given a prominent position. Children in India are subject to a significant level of sickness, malnutrition, and death despite the introduction and periodic implementation of numerous programs for their benefit. Malnutrition in children in India is found to be fairly high in relation to the morbidity rate. There are currently indications that the state of child health in India is improving. Over the past few decades, the nation has implemented numerous policies, tactics, and programs that have contributed to this improvement. A thorough analysis of the literature revealed that research on the health status of children mostly relied on concentrating on child mortality, morbidity, and nutrition. It should be mentioned that the health of children is not solely dependent on the medical care given to them during the neonatal or postnatal periods. The health of the kid is also greatly influenced by antenatal care and intranatal facilities. Child health is also significantly influenced by the mother's general health, her knowledge of personal and child care, and her health care habits.


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How to Cite

Sharma S, Kumar Sahu M. Optimizing pediatric medication therapy: evaluating the impact of clinical pharmacy services on health outcomes in children. J Neonatal Surg [Internet]. 2025Jan.28 [cited 2025Feb.14];14(1S):118-26. Available from: https://jneonatalsurg.com/index.php/jns/article/view/1502