About the Journal
Journal of Neonatal Surgery (ISSN: 2226-0439) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic journal promoting the dispersion of quality research in Neonatal Surgery. It is the only journal dedicated to Neonatal Surgery- a developing specialty. The journal also provides an opportunity for learning "Medical Writing" for young pediatric and neonatal surgeons. Our editorial team works hard to guide new writers in this field. The journal publishes quality research that will improve outcomes of neonatal surgery, especially in resource-constrained settings. Our main aim is to reduce morbidity and mortality of neonatal surgery by publishing the latest trends in this discipline, in a special context to developing countries. We invite pediatric and neonatal surgeons for their quality contributions to the Journal of Neonatal Surgery and for helping us achieve these goals.
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The Journal of Neonatal Surgery is indexed/archived on Scopus, Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Worldcat, ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources), THE KEEPERS, Publons, OALib (Open Access Library), PKP Index, CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, NewJour, Open J-gate, Science Central, Cite Factor, eDoctoronline, Ulrichsweb, Scirus, JournalTOCs, Journal Database, GFMER, SJIFactor, Journal Seek, ResearchGate, Scribed, FreeJournalAct, Anoox, News-Digest, CORE, ICI World of Journals.
Endorsed by Paediatric Surgery Online Society (PSON)